Friday, December 17, 2021

Age of AI

 Along the lines of my last post about privacy, AI (artificial intelligence) is the technology of that we can thank that knows all of our information. AI is probably the most amazing feat of technology and it's scary just how much it can replicate human nature and understand us. AI puts an algorithm on natural Human processes that you would never think to have an algorithm, it can guess your thoughts, actions, and correctly predict what you are thinking about. AI can beat you in chess, as well as predict what ads you would shop at.

(google images: AI Chess tournament)
As much as AI can benefit us, for example, AI is put into self-driving cars to avoid fatal accidents. AI is incredibly terrifying. In my senior year of high school, I saw the movie AI, after seeing that movie, I truly rethought everything about technology. In the movie there is a Bot named David, that was raised as a child. While he is not a human he begins to love and feel like a normal human would, similar to the movie Pinnochio. However, in this movie, showcases all the risks AI can bring, with artificial things feeling emotions like humans. In real life this is happening right now, and there are robots that can now reproduce, called xenobots. Its only a matter of time before these robots develop feelings, and become a threat to humans.

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