Friday, December 17, 2021


Throughout our nation's history, privacy has always been one of our main concerns, whether it was from quartering soldiers in the revolution, to Mccarthyism, to now in the present day privacy has been getting out of hand with how accessible our personal information is found and Displayed on the internet. Both the government and tech companies are constantly surveilling us, and keep a track of the actions that we do on an everyday basis. Invading our privacy is one of the ways companies market to us, and the government makes sure we stay in line.

Personally, I felt that myself along with my friends and family have been invaded of our privacy, especially through marketing, and the "cookies." Our information is constantly sold to brands and companies to market to us, and it's very unsettling. You can search up kitchen items you may need and they will pop up in your feed in the near future. Not only do they know simple information, but these companies know when to place an ad in your feed, and how long you will engage with these posts. It's even scarier knowing how they mainly target us.

(screenshot of my google shopping feature, where it tracks what you search for and shows similar products based off of searches and other websites you have clicked)

It's even crazier feeling like there is nothing you can do to stop the invasion of your digital footprint when everything is tracked. It's also even crazier that with all this information they know, in cases like the San Bernadino shooting they cannot access the information they already have witnessed. whats even better with Apple denying the FBI help them log into the phone, the FBI paid millions of dollars to hack into the phone without Apple's consent. It was only until a situation like this where people realized the government will do whatever to get the information (good or bad) and Apple for knowing the information and withholding it to seem ethical. As time goes on I hope that more people realize we need legislation to keep our privacy in check, from both the government as well as private companies.

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