Friday, October 29, 2021

EOTO #2 Doxxing

Doxxing and its significance

The dictionary definition of doxxing is to "Search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the internet, typically with malicious intent."

The word doxxing originates from the word “documents” and was typically used as slang for hackers trying to access said documents, 

where people would obtain others’ personal documents and leaking that information out. 

Doxxing is a form of online harassment where a user targets a specific person or group, finds personal information, and publishes it.

Personal information could include someone's home address, email address, phone number, real name, place of employment, family members, or photographs.

Google Images

Doxxing is done with malicious intent, usually targeting a celebrity, social-media influencer, journalist, politician, or anyone the Doxxer is seeking revenge on.

The bottom line is that it is exposing people in a defaming way that is highly illegal.

The term doxxing has become very common, in today’s era and I find it important to bring up because we are learning about the first amendment, privacy, and what is protected by the constitution.

Its become so popular on social media, due to cancel culture, blackmailing, and cyberbullying. It’s important to note that technology cannonballed the action and results that is doxxing. 

An example of doxxng is an article I read in the new york times about how doxxing is used to cancel people for being neo-nazis, and a professor was wrongly accused of attending a neo-nazi march. The article made a point about people are doxxing others to feel they are doing the right thing exposing others, by reading personal emails, accessing social media, and leaking other personal documents on the internet for all to see. Rather than engaging in doxxing we should be.

Google Images

Learning about doxxing and its effect on technology can teach us how to be safer on the internet, that we are not giving in hackers or supporting doxxing by cancelling and blackmailing others on social media. It’s important to know that doxxing causes more harm than good, even if the personal information reveals important information. And it also keeps us ethical and NOT engaging in illegal activities by doxxing someone if we learn about it.

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